Monday, 23 December 2013

Happy Holidays

Wishing you all a very happy holiday and happy cooking in 2014!

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Welcome New Member

Welcome to the newest member of the Guild-
Radulf Dimichevaler 

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Recipe Submission Form

Lochac Cooks' Guild - Recipe Submission Sheet

Legal Name:

SCA Name:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
SCA Group:


Title of Recipe:
Category of Recipe:
No of People it served:
Source(s) of Recipe(s):
Date Dish Presented:
Event Dish Presented at:
The Recipe: (please attach a copy of the original recipe as well as noting working version below – continue overleaf if insufficient room)
List any substitutions / changes you made to this recipe, and state why: (continue overleaf if insufficient room)
Is this your own redaction or a pre-redacted recipe:
r Own Redaction
r Pre-redacted
r Pre-redacted with further redaction / alterations



Tasters Name:


Tasters Name:


Tasters Name:

Submit to:

LCG Administrator
c/- PO Box 651, ST AGNES SA 5097

'Sweet Delights' from Innilgard

At Innilgard's Baroness' Championship in late October, a cooking competition was held with the theme of  'Sweet Delights'. Here are two of the entries (which were also commented upon by Cooks' Guild Members) from Anabella Wynter and Juliet Wynter:

Leche lumbard and Gingerbread

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

New Novices

Congratulations to the LCG's newest Novices - Arabella Wynter and Juliet Wynter!

Welcome New Members

I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to the newest members of the LCG:

Arabella Wynter
Juliet Wynter
Doran of Innilgard
Brianna of Innilgard

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Guild Chapters and Reporting

Local chapters of the Guild may be established in any area within the Kingdom of Lochac, however all chapter members must be registered members of the Guild.

Chapters are required to dispatch a status report to the Administrator once a year (prior to 1st December), confirming members' details and achievements and detailing topics covered in meetings. This information will be incorporated into the yearly 12th Night report dispatched to Crown, its Heirs, the Lochac Arts and Sciences Minister and the Lochac Seneschal.

Each chapter shall abide by the Charter of the Guild, the laws of Lochac and the ideals of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Guild Administrator Details

Paperwork and submissions can be sent to the Guild Administrator:

LCG Administrator
c/- PO Box 651
or email to

Categories for Mastery

Categories for Mastery within the Guild are

1. Breads and doughs - sweet, savoury or unleavened
2. Cakes, biscuits, sweetmeats or nibbles
3. Sweets - desserts, including creams, curds, custards and fruits (but not pies)
4. Pies and pastries
5. Soups, stews and pottage
6. Vegetables and salads
7. Meat, fish, poultry or game (not including pies or stews)
8. Sauces- thickened, vinaigrettes, vingegars and marinades
9. Beverages - not brewed or fermented
10. Egg or cheese dishes
11. Preserves - jams, jellies, pickled, salted and dried items
12. Subtleties

Membership in the Lochac Cooks' Guild

Membership in the Guild is open to those with an interest in cooking or researching Medieval and Renaissance period recipes. A member is recognised on presentation of the first dish or upon submission of a General Membership form.

Only registered members of the Guild may wear the insignia or claim membership.

There is no age limit on Guild membership. However, written permission acknowledging the potential physical risks inherent in all kitchen work must be given by a Parent or Guardian prior to a minor (a person under the age of 18) being admitted into the Guild. Members under the age of 18 years old must only cook or undertake work in kitchens for official SCA events, guild workshops and classes while under the supervision of an adult (18 years +) Guild member.


Welcome to the new Lochac Cooks' Guild Blog. This is a place for LCG members to share news, recipes, sources, stories and inspiration.